Licensed Addiction Counseling
Austin Texas

Licensed Addiction Counseling

Addiction counselors help clients deal with the issues that lead to dependence on drugs, alcohol, or any form of destructive behavior. Counselors intervene when clients are often at their lowest points in their struggles with addiction. A licensed addiction counselor may also work with the families of addicts to assist the healing process.

Kerry has developed successful family programs with facilities and is an industry consultant. Addiction is a family disease and everyone in the family suffers their own torment, trauma and pain when dealing the effects of addiction. Each family member deserves recovery and healing.

To become an addiction counselor requires a personal passion for the work; some have overcome substance abuse themselves, or have witnessed a loved one’s struggle. Kerry has been in addiction recovery for over 34 years. Life experiences drew her to this specialty because of her desire be in service in a way makes a real difference in the lives of others. Kerry also realizes the challenge and reward that comes with empowering others beyond their addiction.

With over 130 people in the country dying from opioid overdose alone each day, the demand for these specialized counselors is rising. It is essential for addiction counselors to be passionate for their work because it takes a significant amount of time to become one.

The 12-step programs are a necessary component to a successful recovery. The program guides you into discovering the destructive patterns that lead to addictions. An in-depth program, offered by the 12-steps, will guide the client through a process of healing negative patterns to bring them to a place of peace.

Areas of passion

  • working with the issues beneath the need for self medicating
  • getting to the heart of destructive behaviors
  • working with the families of addiction
  • helping with the trauma and grief issues that accompany addictions
  • working with clients to help identify and heal self-defeating behaviors
  • helping gain healthy coping mechanisms to deal with the challenges of life