The Inward Way Series
Knowing I’m Treasured by God
Date: TBA
Duration: Three Day Retreat
Location: TBA
Kerry will guide each participant on a journey of discovering what stops them from knowing their treasured by God. Anyone can face obstacles with their connection to God, that limits the perception of self. Blocking the divine connection is usually learned and developed in childhood to become the foundation of self-defeating behaviors. This three-day retreat will help bring greater self-awareness of the divine truth within, as the path to a better relationship with God and self.
Who Do I Think I Am
Date: TBA
Duration: One day
Location: TBA
When you value yourself, others will value you just as much. In order to value yourself, it’s important to answer the question “Who do I think I am?” Old programs running since childhood can create false narrative within. In order to silence the mean voice inside the head each person must find he answer to the questions that define them as a person. This one-day event will include processes that help answer a deep question of life.
A Spiritual Journey
Date: TBA
Duration: 1-5pm
Location: TBA
Each person’s spiritual journey includes the four major areas of life, which are the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. This event will help you discover which area is in need of focus and healing. Kerry will help each participant identify the actions need to create positive change, with fun ways to bypass the ego to get to a healthy perspective at this time in life.
Other Inward Way Events
The Drama of Family
The Power of the Prodigal Son/Daughter
The Mindful Heart
What Would God Say?
Healing the Child Within
Field of Dreams